Gigabit Fibre

Be part of the Pure Fibre revolution – a slow or unreliable internet connection might be losing you more money than you think!

A need for connectivity

You’ll soon be able to take advantage of affordable state-of-the-art, pure fibre digital infrastructure running at gigabit speeds. Whether it's a faster connection to increase productivity or more bandwidth to support your increased use of cloud services, VoIP and remote storage, a dedicated pure fibre connection to your premises will give your business a digital head start over your competitors.

To find out more about this revolutionary network and be one of the first to benefit from it, let’s talk.

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How Can Gigabit Internet Help You?

Grab a coffee and watch the 2mins 35secs video to learn lots.

Don't Miss Out On Your Connection Voucher

Gigabit connection vouchers are available now, offering up to £3,000 towards the cost of a Gigabit internet connection.

Vouchers are limited, register your interest now.

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Do you pay staff to sit on their bum?!

A study commissioned by Virgin Media Business, which interviewed 1,103 senior decision makers in British small and medium sized enterprises (SME) in order toc laim that the average employee loses 15 minutes a day to slow Internet speeds and that 57% of SMEs believe the Internet is critical to their business.

So effectively what is being said is that you might be paying for someone to sit on their bum for 15 minutes every day and do nothing. 

Quick maths on this and you could be losing 60 hours per year per member of staff (based on 48 weeks to allow for 4 weeks holiday).

60 hours per year may not sound a lot but let’s convert this into what people know best, COLD HARD CASH!

The figures below are based on the Living Wage, so depending on what industry you are in the cost could quite easily be 2 or 3 times more expensive!

The Living Wage is £7.20 per hour and you might be losing 60 hours per year per member of staff. If this is the case you could be losing £432.00 per year.

1 Member of Staff: £7.20 x 60hr = £432.00 per year

What if you employ 10, 20 or 30 people?

10 Employees you might be losing: £432.00 x 10 = £4,320.00 per year

20 Employees you might be losing: £432.00 x 20 = £8,640.00 per year

30 Employees you might be losing: £432.00 x 20 = £12,960.00 per year

A pure fibre internet circuit can cost from as little as £3,000.00 per year and with the efficiency savings you are making by themselves could justify the investment.

The next question to ask yourself is what can you do with all of your money you've saved? Well for one it could go straight onto your bottom line as more profits, or maybe invest it in a new telephone system infrastructure that seamlessly integrates internal and external staff plus many more benefits? This again might take a further 15mins off each person and if so then the savings and efficiency improvements just go on and on.

Call or email today to discuss your Gigabit FIbre options with Vibe Telecom

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